Azure Biosystems c600 System
Azure Biosystems c600 System
The Azure Biosystems c600 imager can image gels, blots, plates, tissues, and small animal models. It is optimized for high-resolution images for:
- UV light (302nm and 365nm)
- Trans-visible/white light
- Epi-white light
- Blue light (470nm)
- Chemiluminescence (with the same sensitivity as film)
- RGB fluorescence (460, 526, and 628nm)
- Near-IR fluorescence (660nm and 785nm) for better sensitivity and lower background
The Azure Biosystems c600 imager includes a high resolution camera, a light-tight compact darkroom, a software-driven motorized lens, and multiplex detection.
It also includes powerful, user-friendly AzureSpot software, which can:
- Automatically detect lanes and bands
- Correct for background
- Molecular size/pI calibration
- Calculate molecular weights
- Quantify fluorescent signals
- Array analysis (96 well and microarrays)
- Annotate your results
- Visualize multiplex analyses
- Export reports
The Azure Biosystems c600 can be used for imaging in a wide variety of applications such as western blotting, nucleic acid detection, 2-D gel electrophoresis, dot blotting, densitometry, and colony counting.
For Training Please Contact:
Allia Fawaz
SCRC Core Microscope Imaging Manager
Gross Hall Building Manager
(949) 824-0430